You mean I can really eat a cupcake for breakfast?!
I was trying to blow out the candle.
A couple of weeks ago I spent the weekend in Winona. Mommy is just now getting these pictures up.
A friend of ours came over with her twins. I screamed if my Aunt Heather or my mommy held one of the babies. Eventually, I sat by Heather to show that baby who rules the roost. Hopefully, I'll like my own twin sisters a little better.
Taking a nap with my girlfriend Lura.
May 23, 2007
Aunt Heather wanted some pictures of my new haircut. So, here they are Heather.
A close up-can you see the little cut on my chin? That's where I fell last night and my tooth went through my lip. I have a big gash on the inside of my lower lip. It's pretty yucky looking.
Watching for the garbage truck-one of my favorite activities on Wednesday morning.
May 15, 2007
On Sunday after brunch I played outside. Since we don't have a pool, I picked the next best thing-a water hose.
All this playing makes a boy thirsty.
I helped Mommy out and watered her ferns.
I tricked my Daddy by coming up on the porch and sitting in his lap, so he thought I was finished playing in the water. Then I rippped off my diaper and made a run for the driveway.
A pediatric oncology nurse in a previous life, I am now a stay at home mommy. Stephen and I have been married for 8 wonderful years and have 4 beautiful children. Jack is 7, Kate and Ella are 5, and Reed is 2. They keep me busy but I love it. I love living in the South, sweet tea, front porch swings, purses, shopping for my kids, magazines, traveling, Ole Miss football, the beach and I'll monogram anything that doesn't fight back. This is our attempt to journal our children's lives since, Lord knows, I don't have time to keep up with a baby book.