The girls had their check-ups a couple of weeks ago. Dr. Riikola said Kate was just perfect. Like we didn't already know that. :) She weighs 22 pounds (50th percentile) and is 30 inches tall (50th percentile). She got 3 shots and was NOT happy about it. And everyone else in the office knew as well! At 15 months, she almost runs, says mama, bye-bye, G ( her grandfather), uh-oh, no, and signs more and all done. She loves to get into shouting contests with Jack (and often wins). Can do the motions for Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and If You're Happy and You Know It and tries to sing along. Can give "five." Loves her "stinky sheep." Definitely the more laid back of the twins. Looks just like her Mommy. She's our little angel!