January 9, 2008

Jack and His Girls

Random Pictures of the Girls

Four Month Check Up

The girls had their 4 month check up and shots today. Both of them got an A+.
Kate- 13 lbs. and 23 1/2 inches long, 50th percentile.
Ella- 11 lbs. 4 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long, 10th percentile. This makes her a pipsqueak.

After the shots, Kate has felt pretty puny and has had some fever. Ella, on the other hand, hasn't been bothered.

First Solids

Dr. Riikola gave us the go ahead to start solids today so the girls had their first taste of rice cereal today. Kate took her first bite with gusto.
Not bad, not bad.

Jack wanted to help feed his sisters.

Ella's first taste of cereal.

Hmmm....I'm not so sure about this.

January 1, 2008

Happy New Year from the Bauch Babies

My favorite thing to do is hide. I'm hiding in the dog cage so I won't have to get dressed.