I have gotten many crazy question about the twins-were they born on the same day, which one is the smartest, who do you like best, and the usual statements-you've got your hands full, better you than me, double trouble, and even one lady who made the sign of the cross (not sure exactly why). But today was the funniest by far. Checking out at Babies R Us, the cashier asked me, "Are they fraternity twins?" I was laughing so hard I could barely tell her that yes, they are FRATERNAL.
A box of sandwich bags the girls found in a drawer kept them entertained long enough for me to eat lunch in peace. Ella in the middle of their hard work.
Riding the train. The shortest train ride ever-it lasted about 2 minutes. This slide was super fast. Little Murry Catherine almost shot across the parking lot. Waiting to watch the pig races. Heather threatened to call PETA. Playing in the hay. Murry Catherine declared the hay itchy. In the corn maze. Strongman Jack picks his pumpkin. We urged the kids to find a little pumpkin on the edge of the patch because it was so hot and we had been through the corn maze where Kristen and I carried the babies through it. Anyone who knows my babies know that they are not fun to carry because they do not"help" when they are carried. They just hang like sacks of flour. Sweet friends.
Getting in a little reading. Ella loves to walk now! Kate won't walk, but she'll push toys all the way down the hall from the playroom.
Ella had her one year check-up a couple of weeks ago. She now weighs 20 lbs and is 28 1/2 inches tall. That makes her in the 5oth percentile for both. She has 3 teeth but is finally getting 2 more on the top. Still LOVES to eat. She and Kate both are drinking only out of sippy cups now. I just took their bottles away. Ella has taken little steps here and there but over the past few days she has started walking everywhere. She is so, so proud of herself!
A pediatric oncology nurse in a previous life, I am now a stay at home mommy. Stephen and I have been married for 8 wonderful years and have 4 beautiful children. Jack is 7, Kate and Ella are 5, and Reed is 2. They keep me busy but I love it. I love living in the South, sweet tea, front porch swings, purses, shopping for my kids, magazines, traveling, Ole Miss football, the beach and I'll monogram anything that doesn't fight back. This is our attempt to journal our children's lives since, Lord knows, I don't have time to keep up with a baby book.