This is Chloe. She somehow got out of our house about 7 weeks ago. We looked and looked and couldn't find her anywhere. Until Saturday. She showed up in our backyard. Who knows where she had been. Somehow this declawed house cat survived-badly dehydrated, about 4 lbs lighter and with an eye infection but she's still kickin'.
Yesterday after the girls' morning nap, I walked in and found Kate completely naked. Clothes and diaper off. Thank goodness she hadn't left any presents in the crib. I think we may have to resort to using duct tape on her diaper.
Trying to put her pants back on.
Kate, so proud of herself.
Jack loves to play with his sisters now. Thank goodness! That's been a long time coming! Please excuse Jack's nakedness. That seems to be his favorite state.
Throwing"monies" in the fountain. Jack LOVES snakes! The girls had never been out of their stroller at the zoo. We let them run free and it was torture getting them back in the stroller. On the loose. Trying to climb like the big kids. Ella's famous pick-me-up pose. We see this a LOT. This was the scene shortly after we left the zoo.
A pediatric oncology nurse in a previous life, I am now a stay at home mommy. Stephen and I have been married for 8 wonderful years and have 4 beautiful children. Jack is 7, Kate and Ella are 5, and Reed is 2. They keep me busy but I love it. I love living in the South, sweet tea, front porch swings, purses, shopping for my kids, magazines, traveling, Ole Miss football, the beach and I'll monogram anything that doesn't fight back. This is our attempt to journal our children's lives since, Lord knows, I don't have time to keep up with a baby book.