These girls would spend all day, every day dressed up in their "pretties," high heels, and crowns. I mean ALL day! Thanks to Mimi, we have a pretty nice supply of dance costumes and leotards. They dance all the time. Can't wait to get them in dance lessons in the fall. I've been scouting out studios since they were born and think I've settled on one. Maybe.
February 24, 2010
The days that we have been able to get out and play have been few and far between here in Germantown. So we took advantage of some nice weather on Sunday to go to the park. They had a blast. Oh how I love those little faces!!
You may see Kate one day on Hoarders, that show on A&E. She always has a collection of things with her.
This is how I found Kate the other morning. Her hand in a jar of Aquaphor, painting the rails of hr crib. Of course I had to take a picture before I cleaned it up.
This morning we woke up to about 4-5 inches of snow. I had no idea that snow was even in the forecast. My first thought was not "Yay snow!" but "Oh crap, I have so much to do and the kids don't have school." But we had alot of fun playing in the snow.
A pediatric oncology nurse in a previous life, I am now a stay at home mommy. Stephen and I have been married for 8 wonderful years and have 4 beautiful children. Jack is 7, Kate and Ella are 5, and Reed is 2. They keep me busy but I love it. I love living in the South, sweet tea, front porch swings, purses, shopping for my kids, magazines, traveling, Ole Miss football, the beach and I'll monogram anything that doesn't fight back. This is our attempt to journal our children's lives since, Lord knows, I don't have time to keep up with a baby book.