These girls can either be fighting like cats and dogs or loving on each other! They are all about being twins these days. At Target one of them will always tell someone, "Hi! We're twins." They take care of each other. I hope they'll always be close.
You love to be outside! I think you would spend every waking moment outside if you could. You LOVE riding in your sisters' pink car and riding their princess scooter. I think maybe you're due for a boy car. You are fearless like your big sister Ella- there's nothing that you won't try to climb or jump off of. Your little legs are proof of that with lots of bruises and scrapes. You now notice when an airplane goes overhead and stare at it until it's out of sight.
You are wearing size 5 diapers. Clothes are 24 months for shirts and shorts but 2T in john johns and longalls. At least until your daddy follows through on his threat to throw out everything bubble and smocked and gingham and longall and jon jon related. But we both know that won't happen-I get to dress you until you're 3 and he can rest assured there will be no denim or khakis in your closet until at least then!
Like your big brother and sisters, you have been slow in talking. You always knew what you were saying but we didn't. But, all of a sudden, you have really taken off with your words. You can say mama, dada, Ella, Mimi, "kaka" (cracker), cookie, go (said like goooooo), uh oh, baby, cheese, ball (said ba), pa-pa (paci) and a few others I know I'm forgetting.
You are quite attached to your paci. You usually have one in your mouth and one in each hand. You are like a little addict. Just when I think I have gathered them all up, you'll find one from your secret stash somewhere. You are into EVERYTHING!! At the end of the day, it looks like a tornado has hit our house. It is your mission to pull everything out!
I can't believe how fast you're growing up. We love you sweet boy!
Yes, that is mud all over his face and clothes. He is definitely all boy. For those who know me well, they know how hard it is for me to let my kids get dirty. I'm trying to let go-if just a little bit.
A pediatric oncology nurse in a previous life, I am now a stay at home mommy. Stephen and I have been married for 8 wonderful years and have 4 beautiful children. Jack is 7, Kate and Ella are 5, and Reed is 2. They keep me busy but I love it. I love living in the South, sweet tea, front porch swings, purses, shopping for my kids, magazines, traveling, Ole Miss football, the beach and I'll monogram anything that doesn't fight back. This is our attempt to journal our children's lives since, Lord knows, I don't have time to keep up with a baby book.