September 28, 2010


I went in to check on the girls and this is what I found. Kate had crawled in Ella's bed. This is how they slept for about 9 months until we finally moved them to their own crib.

Disney on Ice

We took the kids to Disney on Ice this past weekend. We had kept it a secret and just told them we were going somewhere special. All 3 thought we were going to Mimi's house. Hope it lived up to that.
The best I got of all 3.

Jack enjoyed the show, just not as much as his sisters. He did, however, enjoy the cotton candy and popcorn.

Showing Snow White her doll. She'd say, "Look Snow White it's you!"

Ella was in heaven watching her Snow White.
Kate wearing and admiring her loot. Expensive loot, may I add. Disney makes a fortune on that stuff!

September 22, 2010

Beautiful Ballerinas

Operation Big Girl Bed

We moved the girls to their big girl beds this past weekend. I was dreading it with a passion because I saw some long nights in our future and I love my sleep! Mimi and G came up Sunday and helped take the cribs down and put up the new beds. The girls were SO excited! We put them down and they never got up or made a peep! I had to wake them up the next morning. Nap time went well too. Now, I don't pretend to think that they aren't some rough nights to come, especially after Reed gets here. But I'll enjoy the good nights for now. They just look so little in those big beds. They're not babies anymore.
The big girl room.

Ready for bed!

Sleeping with the ever present princess books.

September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Kate and Ella!

My Kate-Kate. She definitely adds life to our house. You never know what you're going to get with her. Ella and Jack ask her when she wakes up in the morning, "Are you happy Kate?" Usually she is, but when she's not, watch out! She can be a little drama queen. When she is happy her whole face lights up. She is such a loving little girl. She adores her Heather, Mimi, and G and is quite the mommy's girl. Adores Cinderella and all of "my princesses." She likes things to be in order. She'll work very hard to arrange the blocks by color or the books by size. She'd eat her weight in grapes if I let her. She is the manners police, always reminding us to say please, thank you, excuse me, and such. Has a precious VERY southern accent. Cake has 8 syllables in Kate language.

Some Kate-isms- "Sleeping Doody" for Sleeping Beauty.

"Air-re-rel"- Ariel

"Moose-kick" - music

"No, no, no- no more kisses Mommy"

Kate, our lives would be so boring without you here. I love that you are so dramatic. You keep me on my toes. I love how you love something or someone with your whole heart and how your face lights up when you see your princesses. I love how you pat me on the arm and say, "I love you Mama." I don't what we'd do without you. I love you to the moon and back.

My sweet little Ella. Such a sweet, gentle little spirit {unless you make her really mad}. Always the caretaker, looking out for her sister. Whatever she gets she makes sure Kate gets it too. She loves Snow White. Loves to pick out her own clothes- her "bue dess", "color dess", and her "fower dess"- notice a pattern? She will not start her day until she has her bow in her hair. Fiercely independent and as tough as nails. She could fall off of a roof and would hop up and say, "I okay." She is our carb queen, and although she loves fruit, not alot of meat passes her lips-except of course chicken nuggets.

Some funny things she says these days- " I really really sorry." Usually said with a great big smile when she's done something to hurt and/or antagonize her brother or sister.

"It's a bootiful day." - Every morning whether it's beautiful or not. :)

"That would be te-ible." Used whenever she thinks something would be terrible-whether it be the house caving in or Chick-fil-a being out nuggets.

"It's just perfec."

Ella, you are a sweet little soul and we can't imagine life without you. You remind me everyday to savor each day whether it be "bootiful" or "te-ible." I love you sweet girl!